From Pastor Marks

Grace to you and peace from our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. Amen

Lectionary Bible Studies

I will be leading these Bible studies on three Sundays in March during the Adult Forum: March 1st, 22nd and 29th. On those days we will be taking a look at the lessons appointed for the upcoming Sunday; i.e. on March 1st we will look at lessons for March 8th. It will be great to have your input into the lessons—what do you hear God saying to us—where is the Good News? I so look forward to studying together with all of you.

Lenten Vespers: “Perfect Love Casts Out Fear”

Wednesdays 7:30-8pm ~ 3/4, 3/11, 3/18, 3/25, 4/1

There will be brief services on Wednesdays from 7:30-8:00pm in the sanctuary. A quiet way to center ourselves during this sacred season leading to the Cross and Empty Tomb.

Lenten Devotionals for All Ages

Children Lenten calendars are being distributed to the Sunday School classes, along with Lent Is Amazing calendars to the confirmands. For everyone else, please pick up (from the foyer table) a pocket-size devotional called “Wondrous Love”—what wondrous love Jesus shows for us and the world in his journey from baptism to the empty tomb!

Children’s Good Friday Service ~ April 10, 11am

Everyone is invited to experience Walk Through Holy Week, presented by our Confirmands and friends. I encourage our 2nd graders, who will be receiving their First Communion, to attend.

Easter Egg Hunt ~ Easter Sunday, April 12, 9:30am

There will be an Easter Egg Hunt for children age 2nd-4th grade. It will take place during the Easter Breakfast outside—areas will be set up for the various ages. Jess Frech is helping to plan and organize this new fun event for our children. NOTE: We will NOT be placing any eggs in The Garden of Remembrance.

I wish you a blessed Lent.

In Christ,
Pastor Peggy Marks