Food Pantry: April Collection

At Saint Matthew Lutheran Church, we collect for two food pantries.  Both the Bridge of Peace Church in Camden, and The Moorestown Ministerium Food Pantry, appreciate any donations you make; however below are the items we are especially collecting this month.

Camden Food Pantry
Bridge of Peace Church in Camden
The Camden food Pantry is in need of the following Items:

  • Canned meat & fish
  • Cereal, cold & hot
  • Powder or box milk

Clip Coupons:

  • Diapers (adults & Baby)
  • Feminine Products

Camden Food Pantry collection is on shelves under the mailboxes. All non-perishables will be accepted.  For monetary donations, please make check payable to St. Matthew Church, with “Camden Food Pantry” in the memo.

foodpantryMoorestown Food Pantry
/Moorestown Ministerium at SMLC

The Moorestown food Pantry is in need of the following Items:

  • Jelly
  • Canned Fruit
  • Pasta Sauce

*NOTE: Regular sizes preferred

The Moorestown Food Pantry collection is in the shopping cart. All non-perishables will be accepted. For monetary donations, please make check payable to St. Matthew Church, with “Moorestown Food Pantry” in the memo.

All food items can be dropped off at the church

  • Monday—Friday: 9am-2pm
  • Sunday 8:30am-noon