Time to take out your calendars and note the upcoming FCC events!

April 2nd
Sights & Insights
Pastor’s weekly devotions are distributed in the Tuesday email and on the website.

April 4th
Tea & Talk
Held on Thursdays from 10:30 – 11:30 via Zoom. All are welcome to join in a casual hourlong chat. Approximately 5-10 members gather each week to discuss whatever topics come to mind. From serious to lighthearted. Reach out to Karen Widin for the Zoom link.

April 7th Museum Trip
We are planning a trip to the museum on Sunday, April 7th after the late service. The museum is pay-as-you can on the first Sunday of each month. Looking for folks who are willing to drive. Watch for a signup sheet if interested. Call Peter Jenson with any questions.

April 8th Ministry night
Ministry Night will be held on April 8 this month, as the office is closed for Easter Monday on April 1.

April 9th
Sights & Insights
Pastor’s weekly devotions are distributed in the Tuesday email and on the website.

April 10th 7:30-8:30pm
Contemplative Prayer
Take a few minutes to sit with God in our monthly Contemplative Prayer group. It is a time to slow down and be aware of God in our midst. The group meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Find the zoom link in the April 9th email or contact Pastor Eric.

April 11th noon OWLS Piano Program by Barbara Duffy
Bring a sandwich or salad, and hostesses will provide desserts, ice water, hot tea and coffee. After eating, we will move to the Sanctuary to hear a program of dances written for the piano by composers from the Romantic Period and Contemporary times.

April 12th
Tea & Talk
Held on Thursdays from 10:30 – 11:30 via Zoom. All are welcome to join in a casual hourlong chat. Approximately 5-10 members gather each week to discuss whatever topics come to mind. From serious to lighthearted. Reach out to Karen Widin for the Zoom link.

April 13th
9am Church-Wide Spring Cleanup
Can you spare an hour to help out around the church for our annual spring cleanup? We’ll be spreading mulch outside, cleaning the garden beds and managing several interior spring cleaning projects. For questions, contact Steve Cathcart.

April 13th Matt Wheeler Concert
Doors open at 6:30, and the concert runs from 7:00 – 9:00. Coffee House theme with food and drinks in the narthex and music in the Sanctuary. Reach out to Karen Widin with any questions.

April 14th Adult Forum

April 16th
Sights & Insights
Pastor’s weekly devotions are distributed in the Tuesday email and on the website.

April 17th
Crocheting and Knitting Group
Celeste Chamberlain is starting a knitting and crocheting group that will meet in the Shockey Lounge on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10:00. You are encouraged to bring any projects you are working on.

April 23rd
Sights & Insights
Pastor’s weekly devotions are distributed in the Tuesday email and on the website.

April 23rd Pastor’s Class 7:30-8:30pm in person or zoom
For those interested in joining St. Matthew Lutheran Church, a refresher on some of the basics of Christian history and teaching, refresher of confirmation classes, or new to the Lutheran tradition of Christianity.

April 28th
Confirmation Class and Earth Day Celebration
Indigenous Lenape foods demo & sampling, and Blessing of the Pollinator Garden following worship.

April 28th Bible Sunday
We will be presenting Bibles to our third graders and story Bibles to those preparing for Sunday School on April 28. If your child is in one of those groups, please contact Family Ministries Director Costantino Spinosa

April 30th
Sights & Insights
Pastor’s weekly devotions are distributed in the Tuesday email and on the website.

May 5th
Last Day of Sunday School
LAST Day of Sunday School before we break for the summer. We are planning a celebration and will be inviting all family members to join us!

May 7th
Sights & Insights
Pastor’s weekly devotions are distributed in the Tuesday email and on the website.

May 7th 7pm “Common Ground” Movie Screening
The film explores how regenerative agriculture can help reverse environmental damage caused by modern industrial agricultural practices,
use healthy soils to mitigate climate change-inducing carbon, and address food disparities.

May 14th
Sights & Insights
Pastor’s weekly devotions are distributed in the Tuesday email and on the website.

May 19th First Communion and Confirmation Class Service Projects.
First Communion classes are for children in grade 2 or older who have not yet begun to receive communion but would like to do so. If you are interested in being in the classes, please contact Costantino.

May 31st Phillies Game
Phillies Game at 6:40pm. Cost is $36/person. The theme is Irish Heritage Day. See the signup table in the Narthex to purchase tickets.