St. Matthew Weekend Picnic in the Grove
Sunday September 15 2024, 11:30 am following the late service
Hot Dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers and drinks provided. Sign up for salads/sides or desserts. Mister Softee truck will arrive at 12:30! There will be a sign-up sheet in the Narthex plus a google sign-up form on the Tuesday e-mail.

Oktoberfest Celebration
Saturday October 19, 2024 6PM
We will be celebrating Oktoberfest this year at the Best of the Wurst Restaurant, 625 Harrison St, Riverside, NJ. We’ll have a buffet style dinner complete with beer. Our group will have use of the wonderful porch overlooking the Rancocas Creek. Cost: $30.00 which includes beer (bring your own wine) and a yummy dessert plus the tip. A sign-up sheet is in the narthex and will in a Tuesday eblast. Deadline to sign up is October 1st.