February & March Events

Sunday February 4
Scout Sunday

We will again recognize Scout Sunday this year. It will be held on February 4. All who are involved in scouting are invited to wear their uniforms that day. In addition, the scout groups that use our building will be invited to attend worship that Sunday.

Sunday February 4
Trip to the Museum of Art, Philadelphia

We are heading over the bridge to the City of Brotherly and Sisterly Love as we visit the Philadelphia Museum of Art to enjoy an exhibit recommended to us by Peter Jensen called: “Of God and Country:” American Art from the Jill and Sheldon Bonovitz collection.  Armor anyone?  All ages are invited to come along! Cost is pay as you wish on the first Sunday of the month. We will carpool after Worship to share the cost of tolls and parking.

Older Wiser Lutheran Seniors - OWLS

Thursday February 8th, noon       OWLS Stories of the Early Church

Come join the Owls luncheon Feb 8 at noon in the library to hear Stories of the Early Church. Members Sandy Meany and Dave Stewart will share their memories of the early years of our congregation. Their parents were among the founders of St. Matthew Lutheran Church.  Bring your favorite sandwich or salad and enjoy the desserts and drinks provided by hostesses.

February 11 9:15-10:15am in the library
Adult Forum – Budget Review Session

Before the congregational Annual Meeting, there will be an opportunity to review the financial report and proposed budget for the year. Come bring your questions so that you are ready for the meeting later that day.

Sunday February 11
Congregational Meeting

The congregational Annual Meeting will be held on February 11 at noon. This is the financial meeting of the congregation, including the presentation and voting on the proposed budget for the year. All active members are urged to attend. It will be held in person with a Zoom option. The Zoom link will be included in the email on February 9.

February 18 9:15-10:15am in the library
Adult Forum – Author spotlight

Did you know that our Family Ministry Coordinator Constantino Spinosa is an author? His most recent book, Fear of God, is a collection of meditations on biblical passages. Come hear him share some of his meditations. If you want to read ahead of time, you can order the book.

Wednesday, February 21 10am
Knitting and Crocheting group

A new group led by Celeste Chamberlain will have its organizational meeting in the lounge. Meets monthly on the third Wednesday.

Wednesday, February 21 7:30pm
In-person & live-stream Wednesday Evening Prayers

Following the “Can We” theme from the previous Sunday. Can we persist? 1 Peter 1:3-9

Wednesday, February 21 8:00pm
Monthly contemplative prayer time

Adult Forum

February 25 9:15-10:15am in the library
Adult Forum – Why does the Bible Matter

What kind of authority does the bible have for Christians? Must everything in it be taken literally, or are there other ways to understand it? Pastor Eric present several different ways that different Christians understand biblical authority, then have time for discussion about which ones matter most.

February 25, noon
Prayer Walk

The congregational council has been reading the book Faithful Innovation this year, which focuses on how to better understand the needs of the community surrounding the St. Matthew building. One of the ways is to have prayer walks. These walks are an opportunity to pay attention to things going on around us that we may not otherwise notice, prayerfully considering how God may be at work in the community. No need to RSVP, just be in the narthex at the time and receive further instructions.

February 25, 4:00-6:00pm
Confirmation Class

Wednesday, February 28 7:30pm
In-person & live-stream Wednesday Evening Prayers

Following the “Can We” theme from the previous Sunday. Can we trust? 1 Peter 1:13-16, 22-25

Friday March 1, 2024 7:30pm

We are going to journey to Trinity Presbyterian Church in Cherry Hill for a fun evening of Bluegrass music by The Last Whippoorwill Bluegrass Band. Freewill offering.

Wednesday, March 6 7:30pm
In-person & live-stream Wednesday Evening Prayers

Following the “Can We” theme from the previous Sunday. Can we follow? 1 Peter 2:1-10

Wednesday, March 13 7:30pm
In-person & live-stream Wednesday Evening Prayers

Following the “Can We” theme from the previous Sunday. 1 Peter 3:8-12

Wednesday, March 20 7:30pm
In-person & live-stream Wednesday Evening Prayers

Following the “Can We” theme from the previous Sunday. 1 Peter 4:12-19

Older Wiser Lutheran Seniors - OWLS

April 11th, 12 noon

OWLS will meet in the Sanctuary for a piano recital by Barbara Duffy the piano is so much better in there)

Older Wiser Lutheran Seniors - OWLS

June 6th, 12 noon

OWLS will meet in the Library for our annual indoor picnic with food catered by Zallie’s, Medford and desserts baked by several OWLS.