EVANGELISM: Open Up Those Eblasts!

Dear Fellow St. Matthew Members and Sunday School Families,

This letter is meant to encourage you. In the past months our human need for contact with one another has been sorely tested. Our beloved church home, St. Matthew, has lost the sounds of our voices in song and comradery. Our congregation, nevertheless, continues to thrive through the dedication of our office staff and volunteers, and our new leader, Pastor Eric. But, how do we learn about what is going on?

Just half a year ago my husband, Jack, and I received information about church activities in many ways. We entered church and were handed a bulletin packed with information about upcoming events and services. Halfway through the service Deacon Bill stressed, often humorously, the most important announcements in his clear speaking voice.

Today, Jack and I still have access to information about church services and activities. By checking our email for weekly eblasts and the monthly Messenger, we learn about plans being made which include us in the church community. Opening those emails inform us of times we can drop-off food for the food bank. We learned about the outdoor communion service held this summer and any more opportunities to keep us connected to our church home.

We are asking you to watch for those emails from St. Matthew, take a moment to open them and scan them for activities and services which will be meaningful to you. You can subscribe to weekly emails on the homepage of the St. Matthew website. If you don’t recall receiving the emails, check your SPAM/junk folder. Once that is done you are prepared to be informed!

Lorraine Horton
Co-Chair Evangelism Committee