St. Matthew 2024 Earth Day Celebration
Sunday April 28
This year our congregation is celebrating Interfaith Power & Light’s theme of “Common Ground: Cultivating Connections Between Our Faith, Our Food, and the Climate.”
The theme invites congregations to examine how our food systems contribute to injustice and climate change, and how our faith traditions call us to respond through practical solutions. At St. Matthew we will explore the foods and practices of the indigenous Lenni Lenape people on whose land our church currently stands, and who for thousands of years developed many methods of sustainable food production.
Please join us on Sunday, April 28 for these activities:

Sunday School Activity exploring indigenous Lenape foods (9:30 AM).
This activity will teach students about the “three sisters” food staples (maize, beans, and squash) cultivated by the Lenape.

Indigenous Lenape foods demo & sampling, and Blessing of the Pollinator Garden (11:30 AM, fellowship time immediately following the late worship service).
Join us in the Narthex for a chance to learn about and sample indigenous Lenape recipes, followed by the annual blessing of our pollinator garden.

Common Ground Movie Screening Tuesday May 7th 7pm
Also, mark your calendars! On Tuesday, May 7 at 7 PM, in collaboration with the DEI/anti-Racism committee, join us for a free screening of the 2023 Tribeca Film Festival award-winning documentary, “Common Ground”. The film, starring Woody Harrelson, Rosario Dawson, and many other A-listers, explores how the practice of regenerative agriculture can help reverse the environmental damage caused by modern industrial agricultural practices, use healthy soils to mitigate climate change-inducing carbon, and address food disparities among black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) and low-income communities.
You can preview a trailer of the movie here.

The Green Team needs your help
Also, the Green Team remains in great need of your time and talent in service to our ministry. While our team of four is “small but mighty,” we could do such more with your help!! If you are called to become a volunteer with the Green Team, please contact me, or join us at one of our virtual monthly meetings, held the first Monday of the month (Ministry night), Also check out our web page and follow the SMLC Facebook page.