We will have four in-person worship opportunities for Christmas Eve this year. We will also stream our 9:30pm worship on our YouTube channel for those that prefer a virtual option. The online worship can be live streamed at 9:30 or watched any time after that, either for Christmas Eve or in the following days. Each of the worship services will be distinct. Each will include communion.
4:00 – Family Service: This worship will be aimed at families and children. It will include an extended children’s time. Candle-lighting will be included, with electric candles available for those for whom a wax candle would pose a challenge.
7:00 – Traditional liturgy: Candle-lighting will be included, with electric candles available for those for whom a wax candle would pose a challenge.
9:30 – Traditional liturgy, with choir and live-stream: Candle-lighting will be included, with electric candles available for those for whom a wax candle would pose a challenge.
11:00 – A short Contemplative Service: With a focus on prayer, preaching, and communion. There will be no music at this service. It is planned to last less than 30 minutes.