Christmas Eve 2020


Our Christmas Eve worship will be on YouTube only this year. There will be no live-stream or in-person worship. The pre-recorded video will be on our YouTube channel at noon on Dec. 24. To access worship, go to the St. Matthew website and click on the “Click here to Watch Worship Service” button, or follow the link that will be sent in the Christmas eblast that week.

Fellowship: Dec. 24, 7p.m.

We will have a Zoom fellowship time on Christmas Eve to share Christmas greetings and enjoy the opportunity to see one another. The Zoom link will be shared in the Christmas eblast, or contact the church office if you have questions.

Children’s Activity Time

We will have a pre-recorded activity time video for children and families. It will be available beginning at noon on Dec. 24 on our YouTube channel, or by following the link in the Christmas eblast. The video is co-sponsored with Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Tabernacle, and will feature Pastors Wendolyn and Eric Trozzo. There will be activities, songs, and a short message aimed at children and families.