March Greetings from CLF!

Adult Forum
We would like to thank Everyone who attended our February 18th discussion with our Families Ministry Coordinator, Constantino on his book, The Fear of God: Meditations on the Bible”.

Confirmation Classes
Confirmation Classes are scheduled for March 24, and April 28th.

Sunday School
As you can see by our pictures, we are having a blast in Sunday School with our “Hero Hotline” theme. In January and February, we did science experiments with pencils and water, and learned about the strength of paper and compared it with the strength God provides all of us. We have played games with pool noodles, balloons, and our favorite, kickballs! We colored and sent Valentine’s Day bookmarks to the homebound and other members of our congregation, and made Valentine’s Day chocolate treats for the Fellowship table. To celebrate Presidents Day, we had some fun with Patriotic Yoga! We do hope that you will encourage your children to attend Sunday School; and we encourage them to bring friends and family to join in the fun!

Due to the Palm Sunday Congregational Breakfast and Easter Sunday, we will not have Sunday School Sessions on March 24th and March 31st. And as a reminder as winter winds down, in case of inclement weather, a leader may reach out to you to cancel Sunday School.
Melissa Fickes-Feeney, CLF Chairperson