Thanksgiving Greetings from CLF!
The Christian Learning and Formation Ministry is excited or our plans for the upcoming month!
Confirmation classes will be held 4:00-6:00 p.m. on November 17th and December 15th.
In Adult Forum, we will finish the study on the book of Ruth on November 3rd. There will be AF presentations on 11/10 and 11/24.
Our Christmas Pageant will be here before we know it! We want parents and children to be part of the planning process. If your child(ren) would like to be a part of the presentation this year, or you have any ideas for this presentation. please let Cos know: families@stmatthew-lutheran.org
Also on the horizon is our commitment to the Oaks Integrated Care Holiday Gift drive. For the past few years, our Sunday School students have decorated the wishlist tree tags, and we always have a great time doing so! This year, we will decorate the tags in the Sunday School hour on November 17th.
We have been enjoying this years’ Sunday School theme Knights of the North Castle. Each Sunday, teachers work with our kiddos to “take up the gauntlet” and accept the challenge to “armor up” and be strong by remaining with God and sharing God’s love to the world! In October, we focused on the “Belt of Truth”, and in November, we will focus on the “Breastplate of Justice”.
CLF would like to remind everyone that this year, the Sunday School offerings will be allocated to supporting the creation of a Little Library Book Exchange on SMLC property for the community to enjoy. The kiddos were very excited about supporting this project, and we encourage parents and kiddos alike to bring in your change to fill our change jug!
FCC is planning an Advent Family Night for December 8th. Be on the look out for more information. We hope to see our families there!
May God Bless you and your family,
Melissa Feeney
CLF Chairperson