Though it can be tough to say goodbye to summer, CLF has been working to prepare for the return of Saint Matthew activities and Sunday School!

Sunday September 15th is Saint Matthew Day and therefore a fun, but busy day!! We will return to two worship services that begin at 8:30 and then 10:30. The Saint Matthew Picnic will take place in the grove after the 10:30 worship. Sunday School will start at 9:30am and end at 10:15am.
We will start our year by learning about and rejoicing in God’s Creation! We are so excited to get back with the kiddos – and all children from kindergarten to 8th grade are invited to join us.
Please be on the lookout for Sunday School information via email. For questions please contact Director of Family Ministries Costantino Spinosa.
Adult Forum will resume in September. The topic will be on the Bishop’s Challenge on Ecological Sustainability. CLF is also looking for someone who can help Pastor Eric organize the Adult Forum schedule and topics.
Confirmation Classes will resume on September 29th. Confirmands and their parents should plan to attend.
In Peace,
Melissa Fickes-Feeney
CLF Chairperson