Summer Greeting from CLF!
We hope you all get a chance to visit the Christian Learning and Formation table during the Ministry Fair on June 4th. Pictures and products from Sunday School will be on display for your enjoyment. The kiddos have even made you a small gift to take from the table! There will also be information on Adult Forum and Monday Morning Bible Study.
As a final reminder, there will be no Vacation Bible School held at Saint Matthew this year; however, Pastor Giselle at Bridge of Peace has a few openings that she has offered to children at Saint Matthew. Bridge of Peace has a program, led by Crossroads staff, for students from k-middle school, that will be held July 24-28. The camp runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. with lunch and a snack. If you are interested in sending your child(ren), please contact Melissa or Costantino .
Council has approved a change to the worship schedule to begin in September. The 8:30 worship service will remain as is, and Sunday School will shift to 9:30-10:15. The second worship service will start at 10:30.
CLF hopes to plan some family friendly events over the summer. Please look for updates regarding a blueberry picking event and playdates at local parks!
We look forward to the return of Adult Forum and welcoming all the kiddos back to Sunday School in September!
Melissa Feeney, CLF Chairperson

Harrison and Jackson Hughes making ice cream sundaes on May 21st. Thank you to Dave Stewart, for your financial support of our last day of Sunday School celebration!