Christian Learning Formation

Our Chefs were busy in January and February! We learned two very important bible stories. The first was Daniel and Friends Eating the Good Stuff! As you can see in the picture, the chefs did a wonderful job creating comic strips of Daniel and his friends eating their veggies!

The other story was of Jesus feeding 5,000 with 5 fish and 2 loaves of bread! In order to show how we can Live the Love, our Chefs created Blessing Bags . Inside each decorated bag, chefs added fruit cups, crackers, cereal bars, tuna fish, and a bottle of water. We made over 30 bags! The bags were then distributed to those in need in Philadelphia by Costatino, and in Trenton by Ms.Melissa . 

Please join us on Sunday March 26, for Bible Sunday. Pastor will be giving out engraved bibles to 3rd graders plus children’s story bibles to those baptized during the pandemic (the tradition of giving it on the 1st anniversary of the baptism has been broken, so trying to restart it). Please reach out to Costatino if you would like your child to receive a Bible. 

Melissa Feeney, CLF Chairperson