Below are a few quotes from a publication by Stephen Ministry headquarters in St Louis. Stephen ministers have been trained to provide spiritual comfort and support if you are struggling with grief, health issues, divorce, caring for a loved one, financial difficulties, job loss, and other needs.

Although my needs changed as I went from wife to caregiver to widow, my Stephen Minister’s love and support remained a constant. She was there at every stage of my journey, helping me through some of the most difficult moments of my life—so I could begin to heal.
When things seemed like too much to handle, my Stephen Minister brought normalcy and calm. With him by my side, I knew I could make it from one week to the next. I could feel God’s presence when my Stephen Minister was there.
After the death of my mom, I needed someone who would listen—even to the same stories over and over—and who wouldn’t be afraid to say her name or bring up her memory. That’s who my Stephen Minister was, and I don’t know how I would have gotten through it without her.

My Stephen Minister listens—really listens. He doesn’t judge me or tell me what to do but walks side by side with me. I never realized how helpful and healing that can be. With his care and support, I’m making it through.
My Stephen Minister’s weekly visits became an anchor in my life—something I could rely on when everything else was so uncertain. She was a steady reminder of God’s presence, helping me know I was never alone.
My Stephen Minister loves me, listens to me, cares for me, prays for me, supports me, and gives me a safe, confidential relationship where I can totally share my heart. No matter how much I have to unload on her, she listens to whatever is going on.