Call Process Update: May 2020

We want you all to know how grateful we are for the support and input you have given us. The word clouds are so valuable because they reflect the priorities of so many of you. They have been sent to the Synod so that Bishop Bartholomew and our representative, Rev. Kim-berly Vaughn, have an even clearer view of what’s important to us than what was presented in our Mission Site Profile (MSP). 

Our thanks go out to Pastor Peggy also, who dedicated worship service time to give so many who could not attend Adult Forum the opportunity to share their thoughts as well. Your responses provide powerful information for us to share with potential candidates. We’d like you to know that the Synod has also been very helpful. Whenever we’ve had a question, needed clarification or information, Rev. Vaughn has always been available, informative, and helpful. Bishop Bartholomew also has been quick to respond when needed. 

We are especially grateful for your prayers and patience, particularly given the circumstances in which we all find ourselves right now. Know we are continuing to meet and are committed to the responsibil-ity with which we’ve been entrusted. 

With much gratitude for you and your efforts on our behalf. 

—Your Call Committee