Submitted by Tom Cassel
We have some important unfinished business to wrap up before the end of the year.

Earlier this year, the congregation approved St. Matthew’s 2024 operating budget with the understanding that a deficit reduction appeal would be needed near the end of the year to avoid a projected $37,000 year-end loss.
A similar year-end loss was projected in last year’s 2023 operating budget, which was avoided by our successful Mission & Ministry (“M&M”) Appeal at the beginning of last year. For 2024, however, we elected to defer a deficit reduction appeal to the end of the year when we would have a clearer picture of any actual looming deficit.
As of the end of October, our operating account was, in fact, running at a $14,000 loss. Without any mitigating action, this loss is expected to increase over the remaining weeks of 2024. A conscious effort is underway to curtail expenses, but as projected at the beginning of the year, a deficit reduction appeal is needed now to avoid a year-end loss. Please give prayerful thought to supporting this important appeal. Donations of any amount will be helpful. On the front of your offering envelope, write “Deficit” on the “Other” line with the amount of your donation. Thank you!