Wednesday Oct 2. Hybrid Book Discussion Group – Jane Goodall, Reason for Hope.
To conclude the Season of Creation, you are encouraged to read Jane Goodall’s celebrated memoir, in honor of the 25th anniversary of its publication and join for a discussion of it on Oct. 2 at 7:00 on Zoom, led by Pastor Eric. The book touches on science, spirituality, reflections on God, and environmental action. You can buy a copy here. It is also available at most local libraries, including in audio forms.

OWLS – Fellowship and Game Time October 3
Come October 3rd at noontime in the Library to gather together for lunch. Bring your favorite sandwich or salad, and hostesses will provide delicious desserts, ice tea, water, and coffee.
After a short business meeting we will play the game “Name That Tune” with prizes!
Lynne Ganskopp, OWLS Treasurer, will be collecting this year’s dues of $20 per person.
Come! It will be fun to visit with one another after a summer break and meet new members.
Sue Kuhn, President

Blessing of the Stuffed Animals
Bring your stuffed animals with you to worship on Oct 6 for a Blessing of the Stuffed Animals during the children’s time. IDs will not be checked for age, so anyone who has a stuffed animal they cherish is welcome to bring theirs. Do not bring more than you can carry in your hands.
Contemplative Prayer Oct. 16
The contemplative prayer group meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month. It is a time for meditative prayer, sharing, and learning ways to open oneself to the presence of God around us. 7:00 hybrid – in the library and on Zoom on Oct. 16.
Non-Activity Night 6:30-8:00 Oct 28
Come to church the fourth Monday of each month to do nothing. Come for a time of sabbath for the non-activity night. So often our lives are bursting at the seams with scheduled activities. Even if we have free time at home, we end up filling it with tasks. True sabbath time is rare. The non-activity night is a chance to schedule in time to slow down, feel no need to accomplish anything, and find a sense of community. You can bring your own activity like a book to read, or you can join with others in a quiet activity like putting a puzzle together.
Confirmation Class
Confirmation classes this year will be held on select Sunday afternoons from 4:00-6:00. This month the class will be held on Oct. 20.
Pre-K Playdate Oct 13
In an effort to bring together families in the congregation with children who are not yet old enough for Sunday School, you are invited to a Pre-K Playdate at the church on Sunday October 13th from 4-5pm in the nursery. This is an informal time to gather, play, and socialize together – for the children and also parents!
Consecration Sunday Oct 27
Consecration Sunday, the day that we submit our financial pledges for 2025, will be held on Oct. 27. Please bring your pledge cards with you that Sunday and place them in the marked boxes.
Adult Forum
Sundays at 9:15 AM
Oct. 6 – Rejoice!
Our congregational resources team will be organizing the Oct. 6 Adult Forum. We will be considering what gifts the congregation has that are blessings to its members as well as what gifts it has that are blessings to the community around us. We will consider what it takes to sustain and grow these areas of strength.
Oct. 13-Nov. 3 – Bible Study on the book of Ruth
This 4-week study works through the book of Ruth, using the Book of Faith curriculum. Feel free to take part, even if you are not able to be there every week. Study guides are available.
Thanksgiving Baskets
We will be collecting Thanksgiving baskets for Bridge of Peace again this year. Shopping lists and bags will be available in late October. Keep an eye out for more details to come!
Caring Board
The Caring Board in the narthex is here to help us keep in touch with one another, and especially to remind other members of our concern for them. When you are in the building, grab a card on the board and a note card from the table. Write a quick note to the person listed on the card. If there is a specific need listed on the card, include that in your note. If not, simply write a “thinking of you” card. Once you have written the note, mail in and take the name card down from the board. Meanwhile, if you know of someone in the congregation that you think would appreciate a note, leave their name on a card and pin it to the board. Don’t share details without their permission, but you can give a general category of concern like “illness” or “health concerns” or “death in the family” or even just “thinking of you.” Through these cards we can express our care and concern for one another.