Non-Activity Night – Monday September 23, 6:30-8:00 PM
Starting this month, come to church the fourth Monday of each month to do nothing. Come for a time of sabbath for the non-activity night. So often our lives are bursting at the seams with scheduled activities. Even if we have free time at home, we end up filling it with tasks. True sabbath time is rare. The non-activity night is a chance to schedule in time to slow down, feel no need to accomplish anything, and find a sense of community. The evening will start with a brief prayer in the library. After that, nothing is scheduled. There will be puzzles, coloring books for adults and children, and books available, or you can bring your own book to read or sit and chat. Whatever you want to do that does not require an electronic device is fair game. All ages are welcome. There will be very light refreshments available at the end of the time.

Social Ministry
Oct. 13: God’s Work Our Hands Sunday
God’s Work Our Hands is a day for focusing on God’s call for us to serve the world around us through serving in our community. St. Matthew began taking part in this ELCA-wide event two years ago. It usually happens in September, but this year we are postponing it until October. Mark your calendars! More details to follow.
Ministry Night
The September Ministry Night will be held on Sept. 9 at 7:00 via Zoom. All ministry teams are invited to have their meetings that evening. Groups all meet together for an opening devotion and announcements, and then divide into breakout rooms for their individual meetings. Groups that regularly meet during Ministry Night are Fellowship and Christian Care (FCC); Christian Learning and Formation (CLF), Green Team, and Worship team.
Confirmation Class
Confirmation classes this year will be held on select Sunday afternoons from 4:00-6:00. The first class session will be September. Classes are open to youth beginning in grade 6. Parents are urged to attend with their children. If you have not yet received the full schedule, please contact Pastor Eric to get on the mailing list for more details.
Monday Morning Bible Study
Monday Morning Bible Study will begin meeting regularly on the Monday a week after Labor Day, September 9th, on Zoom. Please consider joining us … you are very welcome! (Please Contact Joann Lawrence for the Zoom link.)
Save the Date – NJ WELCA* Annual Conference Saturday October 12 – Holmdel NJ
Pastor Wendolyn Trozzo will be the keynote speaker, sharing about her seven years as an ELCA missionary in Malaysia. Mark your calendar now – more information in the October newsletter and at NJWELCA.net.
* WELCA is the Women of the ELCA – if you identify as a woman and you’re Lutheran, you’re a member!