Contemplative Prayer
Join in time to learn more about contemplative prayer and experience being open to receiving God in a few moments of stillness. Pastor Eric leads a monthly contemplative prayer group the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00. It is held in the church library and can also be accessed by Zoom. This month it will be on Nov. 20.

Non-Activity Night
Schedule some sabbath time into your busy schedule. Plan to come to the Non-Activity Night on Nov. 25 from 6:30-8:00. There are no plans, just time to talk, read, do a puzzle, or other quiet non-electronic activity. If you cannot stay for the whole time, that is fine. Join as you are able.

Confirmation Class
The confirmation class for November is on Sunday, Nov. 17 from 4:00-6:00. Middle school youth are encouraged to attend.
Adult Forum Schedule
The Adult Forum is held from 9:15-10:15 on Sunday mornings in the church library and can be accessed through Zoom. All are welcome to join as you are able.

November 3rd
Bible Study on the book of Ruth. This is the fourth and final week of this study. Those who have not attended previously are welcome to join.

November 10th
Funeral Pre-Planning. No matter what age you are, it is helpful to have advanced planning for your funeral on file at the church. It allows your wishes to be heard. Join Pastor Eric to understand what is included in planning a funeral and have the opportunity to consider what you might want.

November 17th
Legacy Letters. Legacy letters are a way to share with your family parts of your story and what is important to you that can be passed on after you pass away. Join Mary van Osten to learn about how to write these letters.

November 24th